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Seeker of Dankness, Defender of geeks and nerds everywhere
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IchirusVampireGirl is offline
Old 06-03-2018, 01:02 AM

Hope nodded."yes...unfortunately"

Kai looked to Sakura."I'll protect you",he said firmly."nd we'll find out what happened to your mom, i promise"

Hope sighed."thats,not all. Both demon,and angles will want to get a hold of Sakura, so she can read an ancient book. Each side holds a copy"

Kai looked to Hope." what kind of book?"

"One that tells of how to activate a weapon , so pwerful, it could change the fate of eveyone.Odds are they are building it as we speak. They just need to power it"

Kai frowned."power it how?"

"By draining the power and sacrificing one who is bothe Angle ... and Demon"

Kai looked to Yukina."thats why our king and his sons want you, and Sakura"