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Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 07-01-2018, 11:32 PM do you even?! How do you go eighteen-plus years without learning to read?!?!?! Agh....

@ Amane: That high school sounds like the one I went to. I'm not joking; not only did classes get bogged down re-teaching (usually the lazy ones who slept the whole time anyway) how to freaking read, they'd also get bogged down doing refreshers on arithmetic. Arithmetic. My mom's not exactly great with math, but even she knows her times-tables, and can do fractions on paper if not in her head. These dinguses? They'd sit there with their mouths hanging open as the teacher had to explain for the umpteenth time that two-thirds and four-sixths were the same thing.

I didn't learn anything actually new to me in math until my senior year while I was taking pre-calculus. Which is a misnomer, as there's nothing "pre-" about it--it's calculus. Plain and simple.