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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-01-2018, 09:00 PM

Seriously though! I mean I do love that it keeps my tabs open even if my phone restarts, so that's awesome, but I hate how it doesn't save the text you're writing. Especially if your phone just auto-locks! I have to have my phone locked with a pin/password for work, so it's set to lock after 30 sec. for security - if that happens while I'm writing a post on Mene, when I unlock my phone it refreshes the page most times instead of just opening it. Drives me crazy lol I'm hoping to be set up with a desktop again soon though - my laptop no longer works well as a laptop and is better in tablet mode (it's a 2-in-1) and I haven't been able to replace it yet. Remodels are progressing on the house, though, so hopefully I can get a desktop in the meantime! Then I can be more active and start roleplaying again :D I've certainly missed the roleplaying and lengthy conversations I used to have on here. :3