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The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:26 PM

Weeks had passed in their long journey to Menewsha. Li Mei was a bit upset with herself at her lack of investigation in choosing a ship. It just so happened this was one of the slowest commercial liners you could get a ticket for. The kids had all settled into life on the boat. Xeox was honing her shuffleboard skills every day. Boq Boq was devouring the “moving pictures of earth’s history” as he called it while Cessy contented herself with playing with Yumeh. Life was just fine.

That is until the day Li Mei had gone out to get a fresh pitcher of ice for their room when she heard Cessy scream all the way down the hall.
Cessy: “WHERE’S YUMEH??”
Rushing back, Li Mei burst into the room
Li Mei: “Cessy! What’s wrong??”

Xeox: “It appears once again that the feline Yumeh has escaped the confines of his container.”

Li Mei: “Ohh nooo…!”
The events on the train ride came rushing to the forefront of Li Mei’s mind making her cringe with the possibilities the near future now held.
Li Mei: “O-ohh kay… Okay… Y-you kids all stay PUT!”
Li Mei stamped her foot on the ground for emphasis, flinging out her pointer finger at the children gathered in the room, making sure to point at each in turn.
Cessy: “B-b-but Yumeh is…!”

Li Mei: “No butts! I will… Like… Totally handle this! I want you all to stay in this room you hear me? Like, if I have to go running down corridors after you all again, I’m… I’m… I’M TOTALLY GONNA TELL JERYCK.”
Cessy stopped complaining. Even Boq Boq and Xeox went silent at that. Jeryck was quite a formidable opponent it seemed! Li Mei cursed herself for not having used that trump card sooner but then thought it might not have worked in this situation had she said it too often.
Li Mei: “Ok. I’m going to go and alert the manager of this deck that we are missing our cat. Like, it’s a big ship, yes.. But we are out on the ocean and Yumeh is totally smart enough not to fall off of the only dry land for 20,000 leagues.”

Xeox: “Actually human Li Mei, 20,000 leagues is much further than the nearest… ahem… I mean, human Li Mei, can I assist you? I am sure Boq Boq and Cessy are capable of waiting here alone.”
Xeox turned to Boq Boq, her antenna twitching slightly.
Li Mei: “Well I…”

Xeox: “Believe me Li Mei. My brother has learned his lesson about being responsible.”

LI Mei: “Ok. Boq Boq, you and Cessy stay here. Xeox and I will totally be right back! Like… if you two aren’t here when we get back…”
Li Mei left the sentence hanging and exited the room with Xeox in tow.
Boq Boq: “Supeeerrrnova! Who know my sister was so… How do you humans say? Cool? Well, friend Cessy. Let us go look for Yumeh!”

Cessy: “Huh…? B-but Li Mei said…”

Boq Boq: “Do not worry friend Cessy! Xeox wiggled her antenna at me! That is our signal to each other to let us know we are planning something! I am sure that Xeox will keep Li Mei an enormous amount of company until we can return from our own search.”

Cessy: “Well uh… Ok Boq Boq. Let go then! Yumeh is probably lost and scared right now! Let's go save him!”
Boq Boq and Cessy searched through their floor of the ship from top to bottom but found nothing. Seeing as how Yumeh didn’t like water much, They reasoned he probably would have gone down, deeper into the ship. A few hatches and ladders later, Boq Boq and Cessy were in a skeletal part of the ship. Thick cords and bundles of wires lined hallways dimly lit with soft yellow bulbs.
Cessy: “I-it sure is kinda dark down here Boq Boq… Are you sure Yumeh would have come down here?”

Boq Boq: “Friend Cessy! Have I ever lead you astray? … Um… don’t answer that… AH! I see a room ahead that is brightly lit! Surely feline Yumeh would be in there!”
Together the kids advanced up the hallway. Arriving at the doorway, they both pushed back the heavy iron door with a loud screech and peered inside. They were only able to look for a moment when from behind they heard.
Engineer: “Hey! You kids aren’t supposed to be down here!”

Boq Boq: “Time to run away friend Cessy!”

Cessy: “I think you’re right!”
Boq Boq and Cessy tore down the hall away from the person, ducking though a tiny side door. Climbing up a ladder, Boq Boq and Cessy burst through a hatch onto the next deck up. A few doorways later, they were back in the passenger rooms section of the ship. Boq Boq finally recognized where they were and quickly lead them back to their room. Just before they reached their room though, Cessy spotted Li Mei and Xeox rounding the corner ahead of them! Luckily Xeox saw them first and distracted Li Mei just long enough for the two to reach their door and slip inside. Li Mei opened the doors just as the two kids leapt onto their seats.
Li Mei: “Cessy? Boq Boq? You two had totally better still be in he… Oh good, you’re here! … Why are you breathing so heavy?”

Cessy: “Oh, we were just having a pillow fight! Boq Boq was trying to cheer me up a bit!”

Boq Boq: “Indeed! Friend Cessy is a ferocious pillow fighter!”
Boq Boq winked at Cessy conspiratorially and tossed a pillow at her from across the room. Cessy gave Boq Boq a “Thanks for helping me try to find Yumeh” smile back.
Li Mei: “I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better Cessy. Like, we’ll find Yumeh! Don’t you worry at all ok? I’ve told the deck manager and he totally told all the crew to keep their eyes out for a little black kitty. They’ll find him for sure. For now, let’s just try and have a little fun until he shows up. So… Who wants to play come cards!”
That night Cessy couldn’t sleep. The familiar weight of Yumeh nestled on her feet as she slept wasn’t there. Her thoughts kept wandering to Yumeh and wondering if she’d ever see him again. Eventually sleep came to her and she drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-01-2019 at 12:10 AM..