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Nova_Alchemist is offline
Old 01-12-2019, 03:29 PM

Arael slowly pulled back from the hug and lowered his head some. He still felt pretty bad about opening his big mouth. If he had to chose someone he never wanted to hurt, it had to be the guardian standing before him now. The younger guardian jumped some when a voice suddenly sounded from behind them, and that's where his attention turned to. 'Anders?' He listened quietly and tilted his head. 'So that's what happened, he must've been scouting the whole city for him..' He semi frowned when the secondary guardian mentioned him needing to be in bed and went to sit back down so he could finish his tea. He trusted Silas, but not so much the other.

He carefully picked up his cup and sipped from it as Silas explained to Anders that neither of them could sleep, so they were having tea. He did however lift his head at the invitation to join the two for tea tomorrow evening, and Anders even offered to re-schedule his training, if he had any. "I'm free tomorrow- my training has been postponed until further notice. They changed mentors on me." He explained shortly, leaving the part about his wings untold.

"I'd be honored to join the two of you."

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Lea nodded lightly when Mars spoke and averted her red and blue eyes. "That's right." She sat quietly as Mars pretty much repeated what she had just told her, like she was confirming it. Lea nodded again and glanced at her friend. when she noticed her rubbing her chin. She was at a loss as well, it seemed. Lea brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "Because I'm scared.. I'm scared for Jason and the possibility of that guardian knowing him." She spoke quietly.

"Jason and I got separated on the way to our destination, and while I was searching for him I saw Silas firing an arrow at him. Of course, I engaged the guardian and caught him off guard. The next thing I knew, Jason had crashed into some glass and that is when those bratty guardians got the upper hand. Anders was hiding out somewhere so I didn't see him readying that stupid light ray of his, I was too damn focused on getting to Jason." She explained to Mars what had happened on their job, having to quiet her voice to keep it steady. "Jason was shot down because I had gotten hit.. By the time I came out my daze, he was already knocked out and Silas had called out to him, completely blowing Anders off. I managed to get a hold of Jason and landed safely on the ground. When I landed though.. Anders addressed me, he told me Jason would wake in a couple of hours and to take him home "before he changed his mind"- I can't stand knowing we lost to them like that.."

She shook her head when Mars mentioned going and talking to him and lifted her head. "Absolutely not, there's no telling if he even remembers hearing his name. I'm not even sure he heard it. I think it's better if we just keep this between us for now.. Don't even tell Nerva- I'll deal with her myself. Please?"