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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 08-26-2019, 01:55 AM

(I tried to work in details to make it better lol)
Nova_Alchemist: here we go again.

Jazz noticed a shift in the wind around them but couldn't see anything, though Jazz' own blindfold fell off due to Freakshow's command of his staff. He must have wanted her to see how high up they were to instil fear in her to get them both to fall. She almost stopped, his plan was working if fear was the key, and it was. An evil grin upon his face as he casted a minor ghost illussion spell only Jazz could see. She saw the rope tearing slightly apart as she squeezed Star's hand losing her balance draggnig the other one with her as if trying to stay upright. The balance was over as the two fell towards the bottom of the inside of the tent. Jazz almost removed Star's blindfold but if they were going to die she didn't want her friend to see what it was they were about to hit. It seemed that Freakshow had other plans leaving electricity coating a small pool below for one final effect.

Jazz then realized after a heart rushing moment that almost made her pass out, she was floating in the air. No longer holding hands with her best friend. Jazz had been caught by Evangeline as Danny had caught Star removing her blindfold then his attention catching Freakshow.