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Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 05-07-2020, 04:08 PM

Yeah, thankfully I live in a not super-densely populated area, so I'm pretty good. Here, we aren't getting super specific and counting cases by city, but by county. And the county I live in only has 16 confirmed cases. And no new ones since Monday. So I'm not really in too much danger.
It helps that the state started taking the same measures as most other states around the same time so between business being closed, masks being worn, and general quarantine going on in addition to the lower population density, we have the second lowest case count in the U.S. (of the 50 states)
I'm still cautious, but am not panicking about any of it.

A kickstarter would be a good start, but the hardest part of it would be finding staff who will work as volunteers, because sites like these really aren't very profitable. If you get a good userbase, you may be able to pay your server fees with donations, but probably not much beyond that. And that includes finding programmers/coders who can handle all the fun and annoying code writing for the site and artists to do NPCs and other site art. And (I assume) pixel-type artists who can handle making bases, items, and do recolors. And writers for site lore and npc interactions as well as mods and admins to monitor the forums and deal with spam-bots and people breaking rules.

It's a lot to do and a lot of people who need to have the necessary skills and to also be passionate about a project to basically work for free or for very little pay on it. And that wouldn't be easy.