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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-20-2020, 02:24 AM

Priscilla nodded with a smile, before turning around and facing the greatest kind of dilemma since her first deciding to approach Key. Where to sit. There were tables near crowded ones, where people were talking loudly and laughing their heads off. The young woman discounted those immediately. The ones nearest the restrooms were also not on her list of possibilities. That left a few in squeezed corners, but her eyes fell on a table near a window with a view of the street. If not for her fear, she would have gone for it. Instead, she settled on something with a nice view of outside, but which obscured them from easy sight. The chair was surprisingly comfortable as she settled down, and once she had Pris glanced at Key. A frown crossed her face when she noticed him on his phone, and all she could think about were all the things she didn't know about him... Like if he currently had a boyfriend or now. Why did she even keep wondering about such things? It was completely inappropriate!


"That sounds wonderful. I can make it easily, just text me the specific hour. Lorn sent off the text, then another after a few minutes. Roomate? It seemed like more than that to him, with Key's concern about leaving this mysterious person alone, and the thought sent a pang through Lorn's heart. He wanted for Key to be happy, and yet ... It saddened him so much that things hadn't worked out between them, and Lorn blamed himself for it, even though he knew it hadn't been his fault. They just hadn't been compatible, not through lack of trying. He wished that he had been the one, that they could have been ... He shook his head and returned to the gallery inventory. At least they were still in each others lives, working to build a friendship.