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YumeBott is offline
Old 09-05-2020, 05:02 PM

Silas coughed through his first few breaths as he half-treaded, half-splashed in the water. "Arael!" he called again, shaking his head blinking hard to clear up his vision. He could vaguely make out a cloud of bubbles and choppy water where his comrade presumably fallen in, so he swam toward it and dove under.

He swam down hard through the whirl of impact bubbles, unsure of how far Arael would be. Within a few strokes he reached the end of the mist of bubbles but he could make out a dark shape ahead of him. He swam a little further and reached for it―for Arael―and pulled the figure upward to the surface.

Silas gasped for air when he could. "Arael! Are you okay?" he tried to ask as he half-treaded and half-struggled to keep a grip on his comrade.

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Mars giggled. "Yes, you can spend the night." She didn't have much space to spare but she was certainly happier at the idea of keeping an eye on the two shinigami underlings. None of that hiking through warzone nonsense. With that in mind Mars sighed in relief. She rubbed her eyes to rid herself of a short spell of tiredness and to wipe away a few lingering tears. "Alright, I'm gonna fall asleep if I stay out here any longer. If you two can help me figure out where I hid the cots and spare blankets quickly, though, I'll stay up to make cocoa!"