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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-19-2021, 11:40 PM

Priscilla finished her drink in a few dainty sips and stood up to get rid of it just like Key had. She smiled nervously at Key's words. "I would want nothing more than to invite you into all the good parts of my world. I'd bring you to the most exclusive events if I could, because... Oh even it was wonderful, it was also very dull because I never had even a single friend to share it all with." It had been such a lonely life, and she hadn't even realized it before meeting Key! She wanted to give him a hug, again, but couldn"t bring herself to in the much busier cafe.

The brunette settled for stepping closer to her friend. "It's not strange to me that you want to know more, because I want to know ehat I can about you too!" Priscilla was surprised at the tone of earnestness in her own voice, but supposed it was alright. It was hoe she truly felt after all.