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Snakes & Crossbones
XxZombie.Mama.NephxX is offline
Old 12-28-2022, 05:42 AM

May 2022

May was sadly very inactive for me due to depression. In spite of hitting a big goal and getting Lasik surgery nothing is ever enough for me. I'll probably be this way forever because it's my personality.

May 15

I found out my country has an assisted suicide program. Sadly the number of people that have to sign off on it is ridiculous and makes it an unlikely solution. It's mostly for cancer patients. But like depression and bi polar are something you have to go on drugs for for the rest of your life. Autism too. And I HATE swallowing pills.

May long Weekend

I was suppose to have my art debut at a local convention this year. I bought a table, and a ticket but NOPE. My support system failed me epically. My daughter was suppose to help me at the booth and she backed out last minute and my father was suppose to pick me up when it was dark out, he came when the sun was still bright in the sky and then shamed me for not being ready yet. THANKS ASSHOLES!

May 23

Got a new part time because of my parents insistence. They want more of my money. It's a sweet gig at the mall at the front info desk.

May 27

First day went great. I got to know about a few of the inner workings of the mall. They signed me in and printed out a few things under my name and showed me some of the duties.

May 30

They called me in early and told me it wasn't going to work out... WHAT THE FUCK. After three years of looking for a good part time to support my art and family I get served false hope on a platter. All because I needed medical sunglasses and we weren't allowed to wear them. THEY WERE MEDICAL and only needed till August 15th! They're missing out on an excellent employee. I'm great at customer service. Oh well my goth proclivities of the mall being a shitty place has been renewed. This was literally the shortest employment I ever had. Two days.