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Snakes & Crossbones
XxZombie.Mama.NephxX is offline
Old 12-28-2022, 05:47 AM

October 2022

Oct. 7th

In the late-night hours on the seventh I made a call to someone I hold really special in my life. I told him how I felt about him, and he told me he felt the same. I've never felt so relived as I did when he said he liked me back. I've known him for twenty years. when we're together it feels so comfortable and good. I'm both happy and scared. I don't want to lose him ever. We've only just started so I don't know why I'm thinking about why I'd lose him. I don't know.

Oct. 26th

This morning when I weighed my-self I hit 140! I have seen that number since it was 2008! I'm really happy with my progress. I can't believe I hit my goal weight for this year! Next year will be 130.