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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-07-2023, 03:35 PM

Friday, January 6, 2023

I had a really hard time concentrating at work yesterday. I haven't been managing my ADHD well lately... I had a nice evening though! We went to a fancy restaurant to celebrate my boyfriend signing his work contract (he signed it a while ago but then got covid and then things were busy because of the holidays). We did a 6 course tasing menu! I tried a lot of things I don't usually eat. Here's what we had:
  • A glass of David Page Chardonnay, a really yummy wine that was $23 per glass.

  • Four different kinds of bread: honey oat, asiago cream cheese, salami focaccia, and brioche, all with home made butter with sea salt and olive oil!

  • The first course was a lobster bisque with parmesan mousse! I'm not a huge sea food person but it was pretty yummy! This was probably my favorite course.

  • The second course was a wagyu beef pasta dumpling things with Japanese BBQ and some sort of mushroom sauce. It was good!

  • The third course was the main course. It was scallops with crispy prosciutto and a lemon couscous. Again seafood is not super my thing so I probably wouldn't do this one again but it was still pretty good!

  • The fourth course was quail with a kale fruit salad and roasted cauliflower. I've never had quail before so it was interesting to try! It tasted kind of like turkey but maybe a bit more gamey?

  • The fifth course was a cheese plate with a smoky cheddar with roasted onion, mustard, and a green onion oil drizzle. I don't typically just eat cheese by itself so I didn't end up finishing this one but the cheese was good!

  • The sixth course was a deconstructed banana thing with bananas and coconut gnache and this wafer cookie type thing topped with chocolate gelato. I'm not a banana desert gal but I did enjoy the wafer and coconut and gelato!

  • Then to top it all off I had a decaf cappuccino. It reminded me a bit of the cappuccinos from Venice I had last year. Soo yummy!
The food was all really small portions but I still felt pretty full afterwards. The servers were all super knowledgable and professional and friendly. It was a really nice evening! I'd love to go back and try their steak frites sometime!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-07-2023 at 09:21 PM..