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Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 03-15-2023, 10:55 PM

Lead operator of the production area. I was the assistant operator, so I knew about 75% of the job already. Then the lead operator was fired at the end of last week (due to numerous incidents of an anger/attitude problem that I was expecting to eventually catch up to him) so I've been promoted to his position. Before, if people had questions or wanted to leave towards the end of the day when there isn't much more to do, I'd tell whoever asked me to ask him. Now, I'm the go-to person if the actual manager isn't in the room. There were things he refused to teach me "for my own job security" were his exact words to me when I asked how to do something. Now that he's gone, I've been spending time with our maintenance man learning how to quick-fix things that the lead operator should know how to do; stuff we don't need maintenance to come in for.

It's only been a few days so I'm struggling a little at taking more control of the room and everyone in it - especially since his wife still works with us and she's none too keen on me taking on the leadership role her husband lost. I'm surprised she stayed, to be honest, but the manager has assured me he will be talking with her and making sure she knows that she isn't in charge - I am, and she needs to respect that. It's hard, though, since they were/are friends of mine I've known for several years, longer than we've worked together.