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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-20-2023, 01:37 AM

Does it still have a hole in the same spot? D: I have some toys from my childhood too. I've actually thought about sending my teddy bear to some restoration people and seeing if they could re-stuff her and clean her up and fix her glass eyes. My teddy bear was from a garage sale that my mom went to long before I was born, so she probably has years and years of history before she ever got to me.

Awww! Toby sounds like such a cute name!! My great aunt had a German Shepard and he was apparently extremely protective of my aunt, so anyone who went around her, he'd get in front of and start barking at them. I never met him, and I don't know what happened to him after she died. :( I probably would have loved him, though! I like dogs. :3 Especially big dogs!

It was like that!!! My mom would always run into someone and spend hours talking to them before just leaving. And we ran into the same people over and over all the time, so it was hours and hours of talking when we could have just got our stuff and left. Dx And there was literally nothing to do in my town. We would always have to drive at least 30 minutes out to get to anywhere remotely interesting. But I hated knowing everyone in town and seeing them again and again. My friend in high school was dating the boy who worked at the pizza counter at our local grocery store and when they broke up, every time I saw him, he'd ask me how she was doing. Dude, I just want my pizza.

Cheddar is way better than Kraft. ;-; I like using fancy cheeses that you get at the cheese counter in grocery stores. I like using cheddar for grilled cheeses, but the kinds I like are expensive. T_T

I think it's been helpful. I haven't had any serious pain in a while, but sometimes I do get random flareups of ovarian pain and when those happen, it's really bad. But otherwise, it's been alright. I love sushi! 8D