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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-11-2023, 12:49 PM

She wanted so badly to tell him that they would lose everything anyway by standing still, but she couldn’t, not when he looked like that. He looked like she felt. She was so close to him after all this time, having come so far, and yet she knew in that moment that the chasm between them was vast and deep. Was this it then? Was she supposed to go back and fight alone? Her heart was crying out in frustration but she said nothing. Right now she wasn’t thinking clearly.

Instead she simply stood up, Hemlock was right. This wasn’t the place to have a discussion this serious discussion. She closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. There was no use in crying over spilled milk. Plus she could not deny the idea that a warm meal after the past few days feasting on whatever berries she could find and dried jerky meat. Not to mention that she was so drenched she wasn’t sure she could possible ever be dry again. Most of all however was the fact that she wasn’t, no couldn’t give up. Not yet.

“Alright then” she said, just a tad bit more cold then she meant to, “The city must be in this direction, because I came from that direction and haven’t seen one since yesterday.” She hardly waited for an answer before heading off, though she did listen to ensure he was following after her. She couldn’t have him use this moment to get away again.

As they walked, she said nothing, but she kept throwing glances in his direction. It felt surreal being this close to him after so long. It was disorientating. More then she expected. One part of her wanted to rage at him for daring to leave, another wanted to ask him why, mostly though it felt as if this was still all a dream, or maybe the past few years had been the dream. She knew all of this was silly, but it was still……disconcerting. So she simply remained brooding silent until they reached the inn close to the border of the town.