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ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-18-2023, 06:26 PM

Aw I'm sorry ziggie it's hard to be in a good mood when the weather is going crazy, especially being sick! that's a bummer you don't get to make your cookies. [=(]

we've done some fun stuff! my partner is really the one in charge, he set up this whole winter wonderland in our new garage, so we have about 6 trees now 3 of them are mini though, and one is medium. i got my own mini tree that i did with Nightmare Before Christmas decorations and then we also have this giant snowman that unfolds kind of how a lantern does and hangs on this metal stand, and a little polar bear with a santa hat on covered in string lights, who we named Snoo because he looks like Winnie the Pooh. and then we raided the dollar store and filled in all the gaps with little decorations. their quality has gotten a lot better since the price increase, so we actually found a lot of good stuff there.