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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-07-2024, 10:27 PM

Monday, February 5, 2024

I really haven't been sleeping well at all and last night was no different. I was not in a great mood today, probably PMS. I have been keeping up my walking and cooking though so there is that. Otherwise I guess nothing incredibly noteworthy to mention for today.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Another night of no sleep. My mom took my grandma to the ER last night for prolonged mental confusion. I woke up at 3 am to some sort of distressing messages from her and couldn't sleep well after that. The day progressed downhill from there. My cat threw up and had diarrhea in the morning. It has been going on for a while sort of on and off and the vet told me that I should take her to urgent care so I ended up spending about half of the day there trying to figure that out. At one point I heard them putting down the pet of an elderly lady which was very stressful. Also stressful was the dentist calling me to say that my insurance would not cover my visit and they wanted like $400. And then the vet wanted $400 after doing a whole slew of tests and still not figuring out what was wrong with her. Then I spilled water inside my purse and almost broke my new AirPods which would have been another massive money sink. Fun times. So yeah, the day didn't really improve at all from there. I'm so over this week already.