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seripha is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 04:18 PM

I'm going to update this as I get my original character descriptions back from the people I sent them into. It's easier that way. I should have been smart and saved myself a copy though.

I'm presenting the "shortened" versions of the characters simply because I don't need to slap you around with information. In the RPs two of the characters are in they have weapons but I really don't need to mention them here.

Roleplay: The Empire of Chiazu
Character Name: Second Lieutenant Sukira ("Suki") Mai
Employment: Lieutenant on the HMS Constance in His Majesty's Royal Navy.
Age: 18
Physical Description: Suki is of average height (probably 5'5") and of an average, but athletic build. The only really extraordinary feature about her is her flaming, wavy red hair which she usually keeps in a loose ponytail or bun at the nape of her neck. Unlike the rest of her family who have green eyes she has hazel eyes, but she has carried on the family sailing name of Mai.
Personality: Suki is incredibly driven to go far in life. She demands the best out of herself at all times and is constantly pushing herself. She might be a little type A. Suki has a natural good humour which helps her get along with the lower hands but she still knows the rules of decorum (which she abides by meticulously) and how to speak with people of higher, more important standing. Suki hates things like pride, vanity, and indecision and puts all her worth into things like honor, valor, and decisiveness. She rarely lets herself enjoy a moment of glory however and tries to remain humble.
History:Suki comes from a long line of sailors. Her father, a former Captain in the navy, took his only child with him everywhere on the sea to teach her everything he knew. Even though the men had a superstition about a woman being on board, they took to Suki because she could dance a jig so nimbly to her little flute and entertain the men all night long when they asked. In return, they put up with her incessant questions about rigging, the loading of the guns, measures of grain for the daily ration, how the rats eat, and all other important matters on board. Suki just soaked it all up. When she was older, she left her father's ship and became a midshipman where she quickly impressed many higher personages with her quick mind, eagerness, and determination. Suki didn't want to attract the notice of these influential people but she has, and has been able to rise a little faster than normal to the role of second lieutenant. On her mother's side is a long line of merchants and Suki may not have learned as much from that side of the family but she certainly has picked up a few things regarding trading, sales, the economy, and the ways of the merchant guild.

Roleplay: The Empire of Erios
Character Name: Mariah Polly
Employment: Once a barmaid, now part of an all women's guard for Lady Reinelle.
Age: 24
Physical Description: A tall girl, around 6' or a little higher, Mariah has a lithe frame. Long black hair that's usually back off her face in a single long french braid or often several braids, in a some what ornamental fashion. Mariah has an extremely cheery disposition and is often seen smiling. Occasionally she has a dark cloud pass over her face as she's deep in thought, but that doesn't always happen.
Personality: Mariah is very much the tomboy trying to be a lady. She tries very hard to be lady like and go with the norms of society but she finds it just incredibly hard. She likes to fight and spar a little too much to be called a lady. Something about breaking an opponent's bones in a non-lethal way just delights her. Mariah is pretty smart but she doesn't have a lot of common sense so sometimes she comes off as a little more dull witted than she really is.
History: Mariah is the youngest of five children, the older four all being boys. Her mother died shortly after giving birth to her and her father had to raise her all on his own. The brothers helped out as they all adored her but they did what boys do best: kick the crap out of each other as a way to show that they loved each other. So Mariah learned the ways of scuffling and fighting at a very young age, just to hold her own in her family. It wasn't bad in any way, she loved fighting with them because it always ended in laughing and hugs instead of crying. She tried to cry once but it didn't work and they wouldn't have any of it.
Mariah grew up in the Polly Inn which was later renamed. Her grandfather was a man of some wealth (for a mere working citizen) but he had some how squandered it so her father had moved his family far away from where the Polly name was tainted and started the Polly Inn. When Mariah was young she helped out by cleaning the floors and by the end of her time there she was serving the brew to their regular customers. The Polly Inn had quite a reputation for being a place of business for trades and merchants, so it wasn't one of those Inns that a girl could be ashamed to work at. Eventually, however, after her father passed on Mariah decided it was time that she get out in the world and try to find a profession, preferably in fighting. She just couldn't stay with her brothers, their wives, and all their children anymore. So she went off to seek her fortune in the world with a pack on her back and a bo in her hand.

Roleplay: From a dead rp on gaia
Character Name: Milly Tudball (I remembered her name!)
Employment: Lead Laboratory Technologist in an underground Army facility
Age: 26
Physical Description: A little short and a little plump, Milly has black long bangs that cover her forehead down to her thick black rimmed glasses, and a shaggy bob that goes down to the nape of her neck. Dressed normally in a white lab coat as is part of the uniform, Milly tends to wear black or dark colored clothing because it doesn't show blood as much as lighter clothing does. Milly has dark blue eyes that only show an intensity when she desires to learn the scientific truth about something, otherwise they're a little listless looking.
Personality: Milly is very strong willed to the point where she just out right refuses people, their ideas, objects, or anything that doesn't agree with what she believes in or what she wants. Extremely scientific in everything, analyzes things down to the smallest particle. Will do anything for science, even cross a few ethical or moral lines to get the answers she needs. Milly isn't very friendly either, she keeps to herself and talks only to other people to find out information, give orders, or get something. She can be cordial enough when she tries but she rarely does.
History: Milly sprung to the head of her class when she was in highschool, having an aptitude for the sciences at an early age. She just drank in all the information she could get, especially when it came to biology. She loved finding out how the body worked like a complex machine. In theory you could fix anything, which Milly really liked the idea of. Coming from an average lower middle class background, Milly worked hard in highschool to get into a top university where she had a full scholarship for the duration of her bachelors. Quickly getting in with the right people, Milly finished her bachelors in record time and immediately started her post graduate. During this time she found she had a particular interest in neuropsychology. The brain was amazing and she believes that one day she'll be able to unlock all its secrets... she just has to do enough experiments first.

Name: Tatianya "Tati" (said "Tah-tee") Sherstibytov nee Tanja de Paulain
Age: 21
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Status: Aristrocrat
Class: Gossip
Origin: Originally from Erios but imported to Duvah at a very young age to marry the elderly Lord Nikolas Sherstibytov by her father.
Physical Description: Normally straight long blonde hair that she curls meticulously every day into a half up-do that is fashionable of the younger people in Duvah at the moment. Fair skin, brown doe eyes, and impish features allow her to get away with a lot more than she should really. Of a normal height, around 5'5'' and of a plumpish build. While skinny would normally be much more desirable, Tatianya's build only really shows in her chest and cheeks making her look like a cherub. Usually appears in what is known as "baby" hues, but only the ones that flatter her the most (see Green, Blue, Pink, and Yellow)
Personality: Tati is very cheerful, flirty and endearing by nature. However, being the horrible gossip that she is she can be extremely mean and spiteful behind another's back. Devoted to her friends (until they do something that doesn't please her or she finds no use for them), unforgivingly wicked to her enemies... behind their backs. She is also very feminine and considers herself a princess of sorts. She could care less about politics unless there was some juicy gossip to be had in it or she could be the first to tell everyone.
History: Tanja was born in Deinos, Erios, to a very wealthy noble family of the de Paulains. The youngest of two children (she has an older brother Frederik IV), Tanja was given everything she ever wanted. Happily for her mother, Tanja has always been very pretty and her mother taught her every trick in the book to use those looks for her own benefit. She was also sent to Chiazu briefly for school in her earlier years and made many friends there.

Her father, Frederik III, knowing the value of a pretty daughter sought her a well established husband immediately when she began her woman cycles. Although the de Paulains were of the nobility, her father had serious invested interested in trade with Duvah and looked for a noble with similar interests and situations. The only man who, in Frederik's opinion and Tanja's horror, fitted the bill was the extremely elderly Lord Nikolas Sherstibytov. An ex-general in the King's military, landowner, extremely wealthy and known to have favour with the royal family, Nikolas was unmarried and looking for a young bride to continue on the family name. He and Frederik immediately came to an agreement and Tanja was shipped off to Duvah at the age of 15 to be married.

Taking her husband's name and changing her first name slightly to make it more acceptable in the Duvahian circles, Tanja became Tatianya. She has been living in Duvah ever since but still keeps her ties with friends and family in Erios and Chiazu strong. Perhaps this is why she seems to know a lot more than anyone else in Duvah besides the members of the Royal family and the King's privy council. She really doesn't have much else to do either, besides gossip. Her husband only dotes on her in expensive things since he knows that love grows fonder with absence and she's only required to see his bed twice a year.

She has a young son, Wilhelm, whose looks are all his mother and nothing like his father. It has been debated the as to the identity of the father but both Nikolas and Tatianya swear Wilhelm is legitimate.