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Penny is offline
Old 12-09-2007, 01:08 AM

“Where is our path?” Asks Fish. Em shakes his head.
“Where is the boy?” He asks.
“This day the boy will not come.”
The boy couldn’t get to them that day because of a huge band of people in his way. He runs into them but cannot see them. He speaks to the one figure he can see.
They march single file along the only path over the mountains. Em and Fish hear these people walking. They don’t see them. They argue whether to see what the noise is, but come to no conclusion. They sit and listen.
The long line of people comes from the city to the east. They follow the path in silent joy. They track fallen stars. A girl is among them. She goes off the path to climb a bolder. She stands at the top with her hands on her hips like a glorious conqueror. She spots two people out of line below her. Some one waves for her to get back in line, that the mountain beasts will get her. She hesitates… but then sticks out her tongue and climbs down toward the two people below.
The girl carries her skirt over her shoulder. She wears boy’s boots and bloomers. A hand sewn wool coat keeps her warm. Her hair is long and dark. She has it in a single plait down her back. She comes up behind Fish and Em.
“You’re poorly dressed for such weather.” She reprimands.
Em jumps up. So does Fish.
“So you haven’t climbed the mountains. Where are you from?” She gets no answer. “You haven’t come over with the rest of us have you?” the girl motions to where came from “I guessed not. I’ve been walking with them for ages. They say some one’s going to bring them new lives and love and joy and… stuff like that, from the sky! I really do want to believe them, but we’ve been walking for so long. I swear we’ve been walking in circles for ages!”
Fish starts to speak. Em cuts her off.
“Greetings! We are travelers in this place too.”
“I thought so,” says the girl “, I can get you some coats if you like.”
They do like that idea, and she goes bouncing off up the slope to retrieve them.
“Life and love and joy…” says Em.
Fish picks at some mud on her boot sadly “, they have a path.”
“How about a game of patty-cake?” says Em. Fish ignores him. The girl returns with the coats. They are thick and lined with fur. And clean.
“Spares,” the girl explains “, the leader keeps them around for us. Rotten old man he is, but he makes sure we’re warm and well fed. Even if his wagon does smell funny…”
“Who is he?” asks Fish.
“I don’t really know actually, I’ve never seen him really. He puts out these dreadful rules. I’m supposed to be wearing this skirt right now. And I’m not really supposed to speak either. But how is one supposed to honestly keep quiet with so many strange things happening? I wish I were a boy.”
“What’s your name, girl?” asks Em.