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anyone and everyone
You can call me Blade.
anyone and everyone is offline
Old 12-20-2007, 11:26 AM

Hello! I am anyone and everyone!

To purchase tickets, please send the gold to me as a donation! But remember to post the form in this thread first!



1) I've won a purple square - does that mean I can only win one more time?
No! You're free to play as many times as you like. :D It's when you win two gold squares that you'll have to sit the rest of the Event out. :D You can win every purple square if you were lucky enough. XD

2) How many rounds will this game last?
I have ten game boards made up already. But I'll continue to host rounds until the Event is over. So if one day we only play one board and the next we play six, that's how many we'll play. XD If I run out of boards, I can always make new ones and if the Event runs out before we run out of boards, that's okay too. XD

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask them in-thread. :)