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Angel Spirit Girl
Angel Spirit Girl is offline
Old 12-21-2007, 01:14 PM

Kostya struck one of his silver hooves against a large rock that jutted out of the ground near him beside the stream. The sparks his hooves make in doing this fell to the ground as gems. Here lay the reason for his caution over his movements. Greedy humans would often come hunting for him and his gems, determined to posses them.

The stag kicked the new gems into the stream. He leaned over and looked in the water, watching to see if he could disturb the fish at the bottom. The gems would fade into the earth by the next day. This was just one of the things that humans did not understand about the Silvershod. Humans also thought that they could claim the use of these magic silver hooves by killing the stag, but the hooves can only belong to a living stag. When one Silvershod dies, another stag becomes shod with silver.