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seripha is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 09:26 AM

Drabble Number: 3
Characters: Milly, Lab Tech Joe
Drabble List Number: 7
Location: The lab
Time: N/A
Special Notes: N/A

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Milly screamed as she entered the lab room, slamming the door behind her and fumbling at the buttons on her coat, "Do you think that a little cretin like you could try and go over my head?!"

"No, Dr. Tudball... I - I just thought..." Lab Tech Joe stammered, jumping in his seat in front of the glowing computer at the slamming of the door.

"YOU THOUGHT?!" Milly's eyes went wide in mock surprise, "WHAT? A lab tech, a lab tech actually THOUGHT?!"

"I, uh - "

"No. You didn't think at all." Milly seethed, her words coming out unnaturally even and her voice quite quiet. Her heels clicked on the cold linoleum floor, the sound echoing off the sterile white washed walls as she walked over to the hanger where her lab coat was.

"You didn't think at all, and that's one of the few things you're paid to do." Milly stated, putting one arm through at a time, not sending another glance to Joe, "Now I've lost the most important data I've collected in some time and I may not be able to find another experiment as unique as the one you almost let escape."

"I just turned around to place the sample in the container, and she was gone!" Joe blurted out, desperate to cling to some excuse that put the blame just a little more outside himself.

"No. You could have ensured that it stayed just where it is but you let it get away." Milly said bitingly, watching herself button up her crisply starched white lab coat in the mirror, "And now I'm going to do the job that you should have been able to do but let your feelings get in the way. I don't want to see you for at least a week."

Milly finished the last button, straightened her collar, and walked calmly out of the room. Joe just stared at the door she left from, bile rising up in his throat.