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Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
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Old 12-27-2007, 11:18 AM

I don't know how I got the final 15 gold that I "needed" to make the pot right... So I guess technically I'm reverting #27 back to Wild... Not that it really mattered one way or another... XD; (It's confusing but the pot is correct and I didn't pay for it to be that way, so whee.)

(*Oops. Forgot to post this. >_> )

Round Five Results!

Congratulations to our Gold Winner: blueblackrose

Congratulations to our Purple Winners: Shrimp_Man (ticket 38 ) & blueblackrose (ticket 18 )

So blueblackrose purchased two tickets and won twice this round. LOL. That was some luck! XD


I put all ten names into a random number generator and "drew" five names instead of 3. These are the people who won art! I'll try to get to you soon. It may be a little while, but I promise I won't forget. :)

Merelia, Facade, Shoga, Demari & Vadeil.

Congrats. :D Please feel free to send me a PM with the URL of a Menewsha avatar that you'd like me to draw! (If you don't send me one, I will just draw the current version of your avatar when I get to your name!)

This will end Pin the Crown on Yumeh for the Winter Event... mostly because I'm not sure I'll have the time before the Event ends tomorrow to run another round and I wanted to make sure that there were no 'hanging' tickets. XD

Thank you guys so much for participating!

And I'd still love some feedback on the game so I can improve it for next time I run it. :D