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Tilly is offline
Old 12-28-2007, 02:49 AM

Originally Posted by PK
Hahahaha...seriously? That's kind of cool though, i guess your interests will always evolve, i know mine have over the years xD

And yes, there is certainly nothing better :3 I love surprising people ;0

Hrm...that's odd, why is that noone else has been to talking to me, but only you? o.o Am i cursed or something? Not that i'm not grateful for the company Tilly dear, it's just thought i thought there would be more people posting here on my thread? xD -sigh- Ah well, i suppose that can't be helped.
Yeah, I'm glad though, I felt sorta weird telling people I listened to Japanese stuff. D:

So do I, especially in a good way. XD

I dunno, their loss!