Thread: Silkroad
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Riddle is offline
Old 04-04-2007, 10:18 PM

Nah, I pretty much got this down... I got the lvl 5's for all my skill trees, considering there's not really any reason not to do so. I'm going to get them later anyway, and it doesn't raise my highest skill mastery level above five, so I still have my gap maintained as well as a more effective skillset to choose from.

Also, I'd rather no' start over again, as I've already done so like three different times... now that I've found a method that works for me, I think I'll be stayin' put, ya know?

...and on a final note, I wouldn't fight any giant that I know I've not enough potions to beat :P perhaps I will take five points from the Force aspect of my build, and put those into the Ice ability... but that's as far as I'll go with that.