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"Nothing Says Lovin' Like Yotsuba From The Oven"
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Yotsy is offline
Old 01-10-2008, 02:00 AM

"Under his skin?" She mumbled again. She was starting to remember a little bit. Very few of those crystals still exist, at least in this dimension. Could the demon that crystal came from really be who she was beginning to think it was? It couldn't be, or could it? She was starting to feel a little faint from the prolonged exposure to the gem. She had not been around one in such a long time, and it was difficult to keep her composure.

As soon as Drake started to put the crystal away her energy came back to her rapidly, like water at it's boil going over the edge of the pan. Her face became extremely flushed and she couldn't control the rate at which her energy had returned to her. She briefly leaned over to look down at Drake and lost her balance completely and slipped off the branch. She plummeted towards the water quickly, falling past Drake and directly into the springs hot water.