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ljosberinn is offline
Old 01-18-2008, 10:44 PM

  • Silenia, ich möchte gern HollĂ€ndisch lernen, ich finde es sehr schön. Aber auch.. was war das Sprache.. belgisch! Ich habe ein Sang in belgisch und ich finde es wirklich schön..

    Suteki, bonjour! Ça va bien, et toi? :]

    Edit: xuvrette, all those languages are wonderful, I recommend them all. French is probably most like English, but it has pretty difficult pronunciation, especially if you don't have a natural feeling for pronunciation. Italian has pretty easy pronunciation (compared to the other two at any rate) and it is also a Latin-based language, so there'll be lots of stuff there you recognize from English.

    Delilah, bienvenu! Heh, that's alright. I usually look up spelling if I'm not 100%.. well, 90% sure on it. :Ð