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javachipster is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 07:11 AM

*Name: Life

*Age: older than death

*Species: life? :?:

*Height/weight: 5'8"/155lbs.

*Appearance: eyes-blue, hair-dark brown and hair length- lower back, clothes-a cream colored dress and a Grey cloak.

*History: Well, life is older than Death. She has been giving life to all and everything on earth for as long as she can remember. She remembers giving life to some of the most important people that have ever lived and to explain the mentally retarded.. Well she had a bit of trouble trying to create them to be a normal being but it didn't exactly work, but she loves them all the same.
Life is the reason all are born, everything living was put on the earth by her for a reason. Every living thing has a purpose in life, good or bad, they were meant to be here. Even the most annoying things that we just happen to hate. If a human is mean, it isn't her fault it was the one who has raised them. She creates all and gives them life.. The rest is up to destiny.

*Hometown: ? Life is everywhere.

*Gear: The Staff of Life

*Possessions: nothing really..

*Familiar: her horse-Promise

*Profession: birth[not giving birth] and giving life [still not giving birth!]

toxic kiss:

name: Penny

age: a few years older than the ice age

race: she's a fairy

height/weight: 4'5"/74lbs

race: she's the fairy and of fire and ice

history: her history is that she started and eventually ended the ice age. it is also her fault that this whole "global warming" thing got started.

appearance: she wears baggy blue jeans with a pink and blue t-shirt and she has purplish sunglasses.

gear: her wand of fire and ice

familiar: her pixie dog, lucky

profession: keeping the world warm, hot, and cold, and controlling the seasons.

hometown: well it's more of a place, not a town, the artic
Fate's Pearl:

*Name: Death, also called Pandora

*Age: A bit younger then Life

*Species: She doesn’t know

*Height/weight: 5'5 and 101 pounds

*Appearance: Her eyes are gray and her hair is black and purple, it sits just below the middle of her back. She wears her hair in a tight braid most the time. She wears a black dress with a black and silver cloak with a hood. She normally has a pair of boots with her.

*History: Death was born a few years after life. She thinks it was because things where getting a bit crowded. Plus to live something has got to eat and to eat you got to kill something. Whether it’s a plant or your dog it has got to die first. So she roams around taking life. Her sister Fate is much less liked since its fate that chooses who dies first. Death goes around taking the life of people. She takes them some where else depending on how well they lived and how kind they where depends on wear you go. Some people don’t like death. Half of them despise her. All she really wants though is a good conversation right now.
*Hometown: Death is every where life is.

*Gear: A scythe its scarier that way.

*Possessions: Erm…souls. She normally has a few things to carry them in till she can get them to where they need to be.

*Familiar: Her over sized panther, Mystic.

*Profession: Taking life, traveling, and helping lost souls get to Life to get reborn.

*Name: Mark Bloodtyger

*Age: 237 years old

*Species: Vampire demigod

*Height/weight: 6'2"/225lbs.

*Appearance: Mark has short black hair, often slicked back or spiked up alittle bit. his skin is remarkably pale and at times his veins can be seen through it. he wears a black vest with red bindings across the front, torn jean shorts, several spiked arm bands, a choker with a small shining orange rose charm hanging from it and a pair of boots with spikes all around the thick sole.

*History: Mark is the love child of an ice god from the realm of halaron and a gangrel vampire he had fought beside for many years named cassandra. While the friends raised another adopted child together, mark was the best of each of them a cold brutal vampire god who loves loud music and fighting

*Hometown: Mark spends most of his time with the various vampires of halaron helping them become a more unified and more powerful nation.

*Gear: His sharp wit, extra pointy fangs and a wide variety of ice based powers inherited from his father.

*Possessions: the clothes on his back and his love of adventure

*Familiar: Yeah he does seem kinda familiar... i probably have seen him around before but i'm not sure.

*Profession: God of the vampires of halaron, giving hope and power to his loyal followers and governing the icy winds and storms of the southern continent.

Mark had stepped away from home for the moment and found his way to this random little place. He looked it over and shrugged as he walked in and looked to the barkeep and patron... he stopped dead in his tracks for a moment and then moved to the bar slowly, he sat down calmly and regarded the barkeep... something about both of them was very unsettling to him... he wanted to order something to drink but he didnt want to interupt, better to just wait until served.

(Ok, so... Life, death and a vampire walk into a bar... whos got a punchline for this group?)