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Slade White
Dead Account Holder
Slade White is offline
Old 01-29-2008, 04:55 AM

][I stole your dream-in-the-signature idea. Hope you don't mind.
It seems like we have the same taste in style, as well. Oh. You haven't seen a picture of me, either, have you? You'll see how odd-looking I am and kind of stumble at the sight. xD;
And I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I just don't have a way with words. At all.
Oh. And I love Manson. Ahh~][

"Vampire?" he groaned, springing up from a little less than an hour of sleep. Sliding his muscular, scantily-dressed form from underneath the covers, the vampire cracked the door open to see what all the fuss was about. His eyes wouldn't focus correctly, due to the odd amount of rest, and his sentence begun before he could stop himself- "What is that gorgeous-" his golden eyes finally focused. The woman from earlier. "Err.. Wretched noise?!"
It was a soothing melody; he knew it, but he couldn't be nice to a woman! He couldn't be nice to anyone, but he could lie through his pearly-white teeth. Pushing the door open as noisily as he could, it slamming against the wall as it extended thoroughly, and his vision locked on the being whose pulse tantalized him like no other's.

Stepping out into the hallway's dim light, his muscular figure absorbed all shadows and the minimum amount of light casting so graciously onto his body. Balling a taloned fist, he rubbed his good eye with it, ridding it of sleep and whatever other mess could possibly be hidden in the corners. As her eyes met him, he cleared his throat in order to ready for a long, torturous 'lesson'. He knew his speeches were boring and arduous, but he didn't care at all; the mortals usually hung around and listened to them, anyway.

"May I ask what you are doing, wench?" he snapped, leaning against the wall. "Your presence laced in the scent of alcohol, belting out tunes no one could ever match, due to their ear-shattering quality!"
He pushed himself away from the wall, and he staggered forward in a slight daze.
"Could you please remove yourself from the public, woman? Some people are trying to lead a successful life out here!"
'Not including me,' he thought, half way wanting to admit it to her. Living a lie was harder than he had imagined it when he was first thrust into the life of immortality. Annoying people was all he could do to pass the time in each city he (oh so graciously) visited.