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Kaldeagirl is offline
Old 01-30-2008, 01:30 PM

Sharde propped the laptop on the table and began typing furiously. Green numbers and password boxes danced by until at last, the screen stopped upon a picture of a blonde-haired woman accompanied by multiple lines of text. Rune scooted his chair closer to the table, taking care not to come into contact with Sharde.
“ ‘The 7th Demon: Rafael Lev. Gender: Female. Origin: Russia.’ She is…quite demonic-looking.”
Kanasaki witnessed an unmistakable look of longing briefly pass Rune’s face. However, his features proceeded to harden as he read the rest of the report.
“ ‘Responsible for over twelve deaths in the past two months, Rafael specializes in mind control and possession. All of her victims are said to have gone under dramatic changes in personality prior to their deaths, as well as experienced periods in which they are seemingly unconscious but subject to maximum brain activity. Extreme caution is advised. ’ ”
“She’s quite the piece of work, isn’t she?” Kanasaki smirked.
“A complete bitch,” Rune snarled, his eyes growing dark.
“According to Demerit, all of the hunters in our company who worked on this case are now dead,” said Sharde, shutting the laptop gingerly, as to not upset Rune’s already shot nerves. “He suggested that we enlist the help of someone on the same level as the 7th Demon.”
Rune stared at Sharde balefully, raging green piercing into fading azure. “And you’re going to listen to that bastard? I say we take her on ourselves.”
“Don’t be so cocky. You know that you wouldn’t last a second under mind control. Your psyche is unstable enough as it is!” Sharde leaned forward in his chair, anchoring his hands on the table.
Kanasaki shifted uncomfortably in his seat, sensing the impending confrontation.
Rune leapt out of his seat, knocking the chair aside. “Me, unstable?! You’re the one who isn’t stable enough to think for yourself!”
Sharde mirrored Rune and retorted, “That’s a joke. Do you really think you can think for yourself, either?! I’d like to see you try, Rune!”
The bitter way in which Sharde pronounced Rune’s name struck a nerve deep inside of him. Rune jumped forward without warning and landed a solid punch on Sharde’s cheek, knocking his glasses onto the floor with a crack. In the moment Sharde took to glance at what had become of his glasses, Rune fired another blow, this time landing on the sensitive area directly below his collarbone. Blood burst out of Sharde’s mouth, and he wheezed uncontrollably as he sank to the floor. A savage look filled Rune’s eyes as he stood over his partner, chest heaving with powerful breaths. He did not remain upright for long. Sharde kicked Rune off balance, and with a yelp, he joined him on the floor.
The racket they caused had not gone unnoticed. The heavy metal door to the room slid open, revealing a muscular, dark-skinned man. Rune and Sharde remained on the floor, gazing at the long shadow the man cast. As he neared the table, Kanasaki stood up, and inclined his head in a motion of respect.
“I’m sorry, Dlars. You see-”