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Kyou Blade
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Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 05:14 AM

She shook her head and after seeing him seated comfortably she went behind the bar and took down two glasses, one which was filled with water, the other she put some Merlot wine in. She brought both to him and sat them down on the table that was in front of him.

Her bar was a homey sort of place. Things were almost cluttered, but it was the way she liked things. When first coming through the door the first thing that was noticable was the bar, which took up a good portion of the wall directly across from the door. On the walls to the left and right were huge fireplace mantles which were surrounded by chairs of various sizes and colors. It was obviously a place that was used for storytelling and such. Spread around the room were also a few tables with chairs around them, some of which had cushions while others no longer did. She noticed with satisfaction that he sat on one that did.

She nodded and smiled at him. "No worries. This place is just for you my dear. Its for anyone who is down one their luck and needs a place to stay. I don't need money or anything of the sort. My name is Kyou. I'm the owner of this place. This is "Scars of Wings." Its a bar and inn all wrapped in to one. You are more than welcome to stay if you'd like."

She smiled warmly and patted his arm. "Now then, it looks like you could use some meat before you go to bed. Is it ok if I microwave it? Its been a late night."

((Yes, we have modern appliances. Its a modern day RP with fantasy elements! woo!))