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Donna is offline
Old 04-07-2007, 06:40 AM


I KNOW HUH? UGH. Why does SHE have to be so skinny. >.O

Yeah. I think I did too. I've been so sick of it. But my daddy was too lazy to make nothing so that's what I got. And pat and oscars yesterday. :xx Eww god I was near puking last night. I'm so sick of food.
HAHAH we got spongebob toy too. Remember when I said we got BK? xD Yeah, mig got the sb toy that holds cards so he was pissed. xD

Oh damn. Good luck with the sharon shiz. xD Dang. Last time I went, I got in for $7 so was really cheap...cept the parking.

Yeah. She think it's awful. o.0;