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Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 09:11 PM

Well i have quite a few stories: so each one that's different color i guess so that they can all be on this one thread. First a little about where i'm coming from: I'm in college and an English major, i basically want feedback and help with having consistency with my stories. Oh and i have several stories but just to say now- none of them are of the same universe, unless mentioned of course.

UPDATE: 04/12/13- I CAN'T BE TRUSTED. That is the take away for my flakiness :/ If anybody actually cares- I am super sorry. Started a new job that is a total soul suck and I basically sleep and work. Got an email today which kinda reminded me to log in. No promises when the next update will be- but since I am already here...

UPDATE: 12/07/12- Long time no see! I am working on a lot of stuff but sometimes I need a distraction so I decided to dust off this account and see if I can hold to any sort of commitment. So brand new story b/c anything previously posted here I have already revised a ton and I wouldn't know where to pick up with what I have. As always any one is welcome to post their question, comments and concerns. I'm going to work to post once maybe twice a week.

Disclaimer: All this booty/content be mine. Get yur own treasure! If ye be wantin' a loan speak me and I be real open to possibilities. This all be a great big masterpiece from my own thoughts and if anything be remindin' ya of the real worlds or peoples in it- ye be crazy! Tis naught but a strange trick o' your lost marbles. --- Except that my newest story is in fact greatly inspired by The Phantom of the Opera, both the book (by Gaston Leroux) and the musical (Andrew Lloyd Webber). This is merely for free entertainment purposes. I don't actually intend it to be a fan fiction, should anything resemble too closely I don't actually intend it to.

New Work, Phantom, starts on page 5

Retired/OLD work:

1. Character history of ______ (pg 1)
2. Kingdom in Peril (pages 1-5)
3. Somewhere in the Middle (last update: pg 2)
4. Late Night Convenience (last update: pg 2)
5. Perpetual Snow (pg 3)
6. The Fifth Step (pg 4-5)
7. OS: Wings (pg 6)
{last half on FictionPress}
9. The Other (pg 5)
10. Locket (pg 5)

Last edited by Tsubasa Rose; 05-14-2013 at 07:58 AM.. Reason: updates