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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 06:12 AM

Raven smiled as he followed Rod into the house through the back door. He wanted to stop him from going into the kitchen and tell him that he was a vampire, but he didn't know how to piece the words together. Rod, I'm a vampire. But I don't want to bite you. I enjoy your company very much. The nicest human that I've ever met, He thought in his mind.

The male sighed and when Rod came back out into the living room and offered him the seat, he gladly took it. "Thank you," He replied happily. Raven sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and nibbled on it for a moment. He went to say something again, but then Rod brought up the History Channel and what was showing that night. "Sure," He nodded, smiling, though not as much as he usually does.

"And family was bothering me once again. I just can't understand them," he said after Rod had stopped talking. "I'm technically not supposed to be out right now. I'm kind of under...I think its called house arrest. I'm not supposed to be out of the house tonight until I learn to respect the time that I need to be home by."