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Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 08:00 PM

A chill ran down my spine. As far as dreams go, I’d have to give this one a ten out of ten for realness. I knew I was dreaming, because I wasn’t in my room. It was too dark for that, a darkness deeper than just no-lights. I’ve heard of this, it must be cave darkness. I tried walking foreword but I couldn’t tell if I was moving because nothing changed. Just darkness everywhere. The darkness had swallowed me, I don’t know if I couldn’t feel my body because I’m not aware of myself. Darkness to the left, darkness up, darkness right, darkness down, darkness in front, darkness …not behind! I gaped. There were lights coming at me. I could only assume this because they didn’t illuminate any closing in scenery but because they were getting bigger. I watched in horror as the two circular lights got bigger then saucers, then tires, then cars themselves. I wanted to run but I couldn’t move. Who knew how big those lights would get before what ever they were part of caught up with me and crushed me. Panic aroused my heart, thundering in my chest I found the lights getting ever closer. This has to be a dream right? Or more like a nightmare. Every siren in my bran was wailing, is it true if you die in a dream then you die in real life? A rush of coldness swept over me as the light seemed to grab me, a shattering noise rang through the black.

“AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Lurching upward I clutched at my pounding heart. But it wasn’t just my heart, my whole body was throbbing. I gulped cold air like a fish out of water. Head spinning I rose up from my bed, I felt disgusting. Once again I’d fallen asleep in my clothes and now thanks to the nightmare I was covered in a sticky cold sweat. Lovely, just lovely. My trembling fingers undid my shirts top buttons before slowly pulling my shirt over my head. Ignore the slapping sounds of wet cloth against your skin, flapping like the rags the janitors fan out after using them to spin up unmentionable spills in the bathrooms-gag …don’t think about it…don’t think about the fact that my body feels warm and the cold sticky sweat is slowly trailing down my back and behind my legs-gag I said stop it! I covered my mouth with a hand I dried upon a t-shirt on my floor, Note to self: burn it. in case I felt like I wanted to gag, again. The sickening way my shirt was wet enough to have come right out of the wash was too much I dropped on the floor. Where the hell was I storing all this water? OH! Maybe that diet I’m on is working it mentioned losing my water weight quickly, after all, I only drinking like three sodas yesterday not a swimming pool. I checked all my normal places of worrying fat, but disappointingly I was still pudgy as ever. Ok exnay on the ietday, man this is definitely unhealthy then, maybe I should go to the doctor’s office. internally shudder Why? So they can stick me with needles and inject god knows what. I think not! I’m not dead or dying then I’m good, no need for a doctor!