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Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 08:04 PM

I flicked the bathroom light on. I studied my complexion in the mirror. Geez, six hours in the sun and I’m still paler than white-out. Maybe I am albino. I winced at my old nickname. Before blond was in and before I had “tits and ass” , Spike Metters, resident bully, loved to tease me. My unfortunate inability to soak up any sunlight, gave my skin a sickly pale color. Thank god for my mothers fourth husband. He was the one who was finally rich enough for her to hire Dr. Blows and blow away all her unfortunate “blemishes”. Any normal teenager would probably be humiliated that they’re mom’s face looked like it got taped back taught, but if that’s what it finally took for me to be allowed make-up. Pull away Dr. Blows. My fingers prodded my softness, ten years of mall walking as exercise, I actually did find it kind of sad that I had absolutely no muscle. I let my hair out of its ponytail, letting it fall down my back.

I set the towel on rack and kneeled to turn the water spout on. I shifted to reach underneath the sink, I riffled through a couple bottles until I found the lavender bubble bath. Not like I have anywhere to be. Smiling wryly I dipped my toes in the bath water. I jolted back, the water was like ice! I checked the setting. That’s weird I have it on hot. Maybe its so hot its cold? I sat on the edge of the bathtub, I leaned over slightly above the water. My fingers gently glided along the surface as I pondered my broken bath. Absentmindedly I let my hand be immersed in the warm water. Wait! What? Just a minute ago I would’ve sworn the water was ice. I pulled my hand up to examine the water droplets scattered on my palm. I should go lie down if I’m hallucinating. I lowered my hand slowly back into the water. Still warm…well it’d be wasteful to just empty the tub… I just need to relax… which is the whole point to a bath. After reassuring myself I pulled my legs over one at a time into the (still) warm bath water, then I pulled myself over and gently laid down.