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Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 08:07 PM

“You’re giving a free show now.” His low mumbling caught me off guard. Did I actually say that out loud? Crap! I thought I’d finally outgrown thinking out loud. I did follow his gaze however down my front. No time for a mental scream, I rushed back into the bathroom. The place where I’d left my towel.

I’d locked the door when I rushed back in. It’d been ten minutes since I fled and I still didn’t hear anything from the other side. No sound saying that he was still there, or that he’s gone. I bit my lip in contemplation. He didn’t seem so tough, I bet I could push my way past. Then I just gotta make it down stairs to the kitchen for the wireless phone! I’ll call the police and have this loony locked up faster than you can say “hot perverted stalker”. I shook my head, my wet hair slapping against my face. Yeah, right! He may be my size but there’s no way I could miss his muscles. He’d held me a foot out of the bathtub with no effort at all. My hand gripped my faithful plungers handle. Well he did seem grossed out by this, I could whack him with it, or even throw it at him! I spent another minute talking myself back up. My renewed self confidence eventually got me of the floor. My left arm checked for my towel hugging me close, before turning the handle. ever. so . slowly.

The door open just an inch I looked out into the hall. Nothing unusual could be seen. Opening the door, I tentatively took a step forward. With a plunger as my mighty weapon I proceeded to ninja run my way down the hall to my bedroom. With a sigh of relief I closed my door.

“That only took forever”

“Aaaahhhh!” I turned around and swung the plunger wildly until it flew from my hands and crashed into my closet across the room. Breathing heavily I glared at him. Him and his smugness was really starting to piss me off. Standing across the room, arms folded it looked like he dare have the audacity to be upset with Me!

“Geez. Girls take such a long time in the bathroom. Get dressed already so we can get out of here.” His foot tapped impatiently on my carpet.

“Excuse me?” My shrill voice even hurt my ears. I can’t believe this jerk!