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Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 08:30 PM

I tried talking but all that came out was a soft exhaling. Barely audible I whispered. “You’re ….you’re an actual crazy stalker and I’m gonna die…” he words echoed between my ears. “Wait…I‘m already dead?” IT’S ALL LIES HE’S TRYING TO TRICK ME SO HE CAN LURE ME SOMEWHERE TO ACTUALLY KILL ME! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT HE KNOWS EVERYTHING! DANNY AND MY TEDDY AND MY FATHER- EVERYTHING!! This is too much… My whole body shook with fear. My breaths ripped so violently in and out of my chest I thought that I would just split open. I didn’t want to look at him. I hadn’t been this afraid since my father had gotten in the car crash and I’d been by him and the hospital. I wasn’t crying though, I was in shock at what was going on. Don’t cry! Don’t cry!…Am I on fire? DON’T hallucinate! DON’T HALLUCINATE!! Every muscle in me spasm and twitched, my eyes played tricks on me as I watched my skin flicker as if from a flame.

But then I felt his arms go around me. He sat down beside me and pulled me onto his lap. I know my mind continued to scream at me but I was deaf. I lost my self in the noise. I was only aware that I felt so cold and he felt so warm, the closer I held him the more I could pretend the warmth was mine. I was tired but I knew my hallucinations were gone and I swore I heard him say ever so softly “I’m so sorry.” I don’t know how but I know it……I am dead. I finally broke down and hot tears poured down my cheeks, a pitiful cry escaped my lips, he just held me, rocking back and forth. He cradled me in his arms for awhile, I don’t know how much time passed but soon my eyes wouldn’t cry anymore and I was too exhausted to move. I’d even realized how hard I was holding but I was cramped in a certain position and to exhausted to push away. Slowly my hands inched up to is chest, but that took too much energy. I leaned my head down on his chest, and was still.

A soft sound seemed to come from him. It wasn’t a heartbeat, I didn’t hear a lub-dub, instead it was almost like a song. Different notes where playing gently in his heart. It was relaxing to just rest and listen to him.

“Annabella?” He spoke quietly but I still winced.

“Call me Bella.”

“I will call you Ann instead.” I tingled under the intimacy. The only one to call me that was my family all those years ago, before my mom’s serial marriages. His arms moved under and round me, he shifted and I knew he had stood up. He turned and lay me gently on the bed. “Ann, listen to me. You can’t sleep, stay awake for a few more minutes. You’re not dead yet, but if you fall asleep without the proper knowledge you may die.”