Thread: The Lab~Open
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Korrye is offline
Old 04-07-2007, 08:39 PM

His muscles tensed as he drove his feet into the rubber treads. His shoes gripped the textured rubber and flew. His eyes and gaze where focused straight into the mirrors in front of him and he ran. His skin sweat but he felt no pain. He was running at a speed that was normal to him. In his ears where the familiar ear bud headphones from an iPod and the band known as Hinder played in his ears. It was nothing much an ordinary routine workout. He had already done his weight training and now he was on his twenty-minute run. They monitored all of his statistics but more then anything they watched his heart rate and his speed.

He breathed slowly, in through his nose and out through the mouth. He could feel his throat becoming parched as his hand reached out from a black water bottle in a holder on the control panel of the treadmill. A hand reached out and slapped him, preventing him from reaching. He clenched his teeth together and looked into the reflection of the mirror. Sitting with a positive posture was one of the females who worked with him. She glared at his body and shook her head writing down a few comments onto a clipboard in her lap. The woman was pure evil and obsessed with making Wes’ life hell. The only reason that she worked for the lab was to be closer to Deryk Camerone, the head scientist of Wes’ experimentation.

Wes’ blood boiled with anger. That woman had no right to hit him. His heart rate rose and he could hear the small monitor on the treadmill beep louder. The treads underneath him sped up and he leaned forward increasing his speed. His legs worked faster and his song switched. He was lucky to even have the iPod in the first place, for the first few weeks she hadn’t allowed him anything. Though Wes preferred silence over a loud scenario, he didn’t want to run for twenty minutes without any noise. In real life when he was sent out the world was not silent. Deryk had agreed and permitted him to have the music. It was probably the only thing that the two had ever agreed on. Deryk had no mercy for Wes and made him feel the pain whenever he was angry. Wes didn’t mind it, he didn’t cripple under the pressure that was put on him. It was how he had become who he was, a cold hearted young man. Wes rarely ever showed raw emotions. He never cried, he did what was necessary of him and nothing more. It was just how he worked. He only did more then what was expected of him when he enjoyed the scenario. This occurred on rare occasions.

The treadmill beeped again and he watched as the speed decreased. Wes straightened his back, his gaze having not moved on his reflection in the mirror. He watched himself run and how his legs hit the treads and the sweat drip off of his forehead. The speed decreased further and Wes’ allowed for himself to start walking. He swung his arms at his sides limply allowing for the muscles to relax. Everything about him was tensed.