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~VR is the Future~
Pkero is offline
Old 02-18-2008, 02:15 AM

Idox frowned.

Relaxing in his easy chair, he looked around him. A couple cannabis plants were growing in the corner. A Colt .45 rested in his pocket. He checked to see the safety was still on. The gun was loaded, so he couldn't be too careful. Getting up, stretching, and cracking his back, he tended to the cannabis plant in the corner, picking a few leaves off and placing them into a half-full jar, and watering the plants. He checked his phone, which was full of text messages of the people the drugs he had grown had warped. He felt guilty, preying on the weak, but he did need the money, and didn't want to give up his lifestyle.

He looked out his window, reminiscing about the past. He thought back to how he had gotten here. He thought of what Henna had done all those years ago. Although the psychiatrists had all blamed her, Idox knew it was his own fault for letting that incident transform him. Thinking about Henna must have been fate, because as he was looking out the window, he noticed a scene that was unusual. In the park where he usually sold, he noticed someone. ...Could it be? Idox thought, astounded. Grabbing another .45 from under his bed, he ran outside the small dope house and over to the girl.
