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PayShi is offline
Old 02-18-2008, 07:36 PM

Haha! Apparently because everyone is obsessed with it that even Emily would talk about it. It's VERY good.
I'd lend you mine... since I'm finished with them. >_> That is.. if you were in town. Currently, I'm dishing them out to anyone I trust who wants to read them.
AH! Steven Strait. YES. He's my pick! He is ONE HUNK. Though... getting Jacob right is going to be hard (or atleast I think >_<) since in Twilight... he's young... very young and then later on... well, I won't spoil it. But either way. Steven Strait is sexy. <3

I agree that it already sounds as if they've changed the movie as it is... and I REALLY want them to stick to the books as MUCH as possible. I'm still going to go see the movies though... it won't ruin the books for me, I'm just going to encourage everyone to READ the book before the WATCH the movie... I'm the type if I watch the movie first, I can NEVER read the book. >_> Weird, I know. Anyway... DON'T BE UPSET. >_<; I'll shoot them if they do a horrible job, mmkay? <3