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Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 02-20-2008, 05:58 AM

“So Dearie…How did it go?” The mirror tilted foreword concerned. Fran seemed deaf to the question as she walked across the room and lay down upon her bed. Clutching the pillow to her face she screamed and rolled around in an explosion of energy. What they could only assume were muffled coming from the flopping form. A quick jerk and Fran rolled off the bed, smacking her head against the hard wooded floor. The mirror actually rolled a few inches closer to the now still lump. The bookshelf rattled, but was unable to move under the weight of the passengers to her shelves. The lamp, being the most agile, easily jumped from the bedside table to the bed and then using Fran as a cushion jumped from the bed to the floor, settling next to Fran’s hidden face emitting a warm glow.
“Fran?” The lamp nudged the girl’s arm gently, but there was no response. “Fran,” Pree tried again, “what happened? You can tell us….maybe if we knew what was wrong we could help you.”
“Francine James Baker get up this instant.” Pree leaned foreward so much that the lampshade fell from her wired frame, smacking Fran on the cheek. Creaking of the door was subtle but it had the effect of a gun shot blast. The room became frozen, Pree mid spin stiffened back up, clattering to the floor beside a stiff Fran.