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"Nothing Says Lovin' Like Yotsuba From The Oven"
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Yotsy is offline
Old 02-24-2008, 12:22 PM

LaRae didn't move too much when Nanashi came back over to her she just smiled faintly "I said I'd be fine" Which was the case, she was in a lot of pain still but it was nothing her body couldn't heal from. She was surprised yet again to see him touching her willingly, even if it was only to move her hair. It was such a kind gesture she blushed softly without even realizing it. LaRae started to feel uneasy when she heard another dragon approach, more so when the girl started to concern herself with what happened. Regardless of how pleasant her voice sounded, she started to shift. She had moved her hands under her body and started to push herself up. She winced through the pain and managed to eventually get to her feet with plenty of struggle. She was quite tired from the over exertion and you could tell that by her inability to keep her wings shut behind her. They had fallen out of place when she stood up and draped down, their tips just hitting the ground. She was reluctant to say anything and had backed herself away from the other female dragon. Needless to say LaRae didn't trust her, or any other female dragon for that matter unless they were from her own clan. She couldn't help asking herself why this one would be any different then the others and why did she even care what had happened? She started to get lite headed from all the sudden movement and had backed herself up to the wooden wall that circled the whole area. Without seeing it she had thrust her back against the wall, crying out in pain worse then she had before when Nanashi was removing the darts. Then she started to slip down the wall, her wings dragging down with her body as it hit the ground; Her back left blood stains on the wood as she slid down to a seated position.

Last edited by Yotsy; 04-26-2008 at 05:56 AM..