Thread: Pirates&Magic
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Old 02-24-2008, 07:10 PM

The bartender gestured to her to take over the front, while he fathamed about out back.
People these days. Can't get the staff.
Lo'qe grinned, and jumped over to the other side of the counter. "I was told i could go back any time i liked. 'Come and find us' he said. It's all well and good, but he's proberly half way around the world."

She distracted herself whilst looking for something that resembled tequila. She selected a familiar smelling liquid from the shelf, and poured some of it into a squeaky clean glass. From a small bowl behind her, she plucked a miniture wooden ship and plopped it onto the drinks surface, where it contented to sink to the bottom.
She gave it a rather flat look. "Sorry about that. I can fish it out if you like?"