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Fabby is offline
Old 02-26-2008, 06:22 AM

I have my iPod, and I love her.
I used to have one of those Creative mp3 thingies, but the hard drive crashed on me (after only a year! D:<) and so I switched to an iPod video.
Which I subsequently washed.
So I got a new one.
And the headphone jack broke.
So now I have my fourth mp3 playing device. I just got her, like, three days ago. I think it's ridiculous that I had to replace my entire iPod because of a broken headphone jack, but it was cheaper to do so than to get it fixed.

I also have a CD player, but I haven't used it in a long time. I can't stand taking it anywhere, really. I have a problem with not being able to play any song I have at any given time. It seems like whenever I put a CD in, the second I leave the house I just want a new CD...