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Caspian is offline
Old 02-26-2008, 07:18 PM

Jay smiled at his strange companion,
"I will admit a lot of what you're telling me is astoundingly hard to believe, and even harder to actually make sense of, but I guess as far as it goes, I believe you.. you'd have to be really mad to be making this sort of thing up and... well, going out dressed like that just to make it convincing would certainly be more of an effort that I'd be willing to make, so.. until something proves it otherwise, I'm on your side here.." he gave her hand a small squeeze,
"but as far as it goes I think a lot of the people I know around here would think you were pretty mad.. yeah, so till we have a better plan I think its best to keep them in the dark about it all.. on which note... you're going to need something more... normal.. and maybe less.. Gothic animé to wear... oh, don't worry if you don't know what I mean by that.. its.. well... its tv and you probably don't know that either..." this was really going to take some doing...
"And yeah, I do mean by hand.. we do have some things to help us... that's what machinery is, gadgets... I guess I'll show you some at some point... I could take you back to mine for the night I guess..." he was half talking to himself as he tried to work out what to do about his new friend. With a smile at her as they reached the cafe Jay pushed the door open and lead Violet over to a table that he usually liked to sit on, as he'd hoped the place was mostly empty which definitely made for easier talking as the owner was mostly deaf himself and unlikely to be really interested in them anyway. For someone who ran a cafe near the campus he sure wasn't fond of the younger generations.
Reaching out a hand he offered her the menu,
"See if you can read that first off, and if you can, let me know if there's anything you actually know and like on it...?"