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Rainiy is offline
Old 03-04-2008, 01:43 AM

(( The models have the funniest spats over food xD;; Like that one girl who was supposedly anorexic who only made, like... Carb-free brownies (can you imagine eating a non-carb brownie? o.o; ), and the other girls wrote something in the bottom of the pan, in the crumbs or something, and she had a cow? xD;; I dunno :3 The pictures are pretty, anyway! :3 I don't watch a whole lot of TV shows, but when I get hooked on one, it sometimes lasts a while >.>;; ;D And... I just realized omg XD;;; I've now got a character named Cate, and another named Canon xD; Consider that a... forewarning xD;;; *usually tries to catch self before making confusing similarities like that between names* >.>; ))

Alice threw her head back and laughed at the shoes comment, shaking her head. "Nobody wants to own bad smelling shoes when everybody can identify them and look down on you!" She argued, though she was still giggling lightheartedly at the comment.

"As for coffee, I don't like it as much as Brother." She twisted her fingers in her sweater distractedly as they moved away from her locker, and bounced up the steps when they got to the staircase. "It is especially bad when it's old, though. Not that I would drink old coffee." She scrunched her nose up, shaking her head.

She laughed at the exchange between Wraith and Ash, leading the way into the classroom when they finally got there.


Canon looked at Griff curiously -- he had never met a really smart person who masqueraded as a not-so-smart person before, though it didn't really matter to him.

"I've never really thought about it that way," he admitted, glancing skyward in contemplation as they began to cross the street. He seemed to think again, then, grinning sheepishly -- "Then again, I don't really pay attention. I don't have many friends, or enemies." He stated it as more of a fact than a sore spot -- He'd been pretty solitary, save his diverse family, for probably his entire life.