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The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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Old 03-09-2008, 07:54 AM

♥ News ♥

NEWS from April 2oo8-July 2014X

  • o4/o7/o8- One year has passed since the death of my friend. I'll always remember you.
  • o4/o8/o8- Sold the Ruby Lolita Dress. Placed bid on panda slippers.
  • o4/o8/o8- All common questing halted until quest for King's Crown completed.
  • o5/o8/o8- Broke my ankle. Lost gold earning time while in the hospital. DX
  • o6/o9/o8- Cast taken off!! -parties- Has been replaced with large, insanely bulky black boot thing that sort of resembles those big goth boots that you see in Hot Topic. My foot looks scary now since my rainbow colored cast was taken off, and replaced with something that looks like it belongs on Frankenstein's monster, but at least I can take this off whenever I'm not walking. ;D
  • o6/23/o8- Ankle has been pronounced -almost- completely healed. Still a little bit broken. XD Also now actively bidding on King's Crown in the Giving Back Auction.
  • o6/3o/o8- Entered Quest Raffle for a chance at K. Crown. >w<
  • o7/21/o8- Have made a dream avatar around my eventual K. Crown. X3
  • o7/23/o8- Commons lists ALL badly need updated. >.< I've discovered more shit that I want. Will be done after K. Crown is obtained because I won't be buying anything on my commons lists until then anyway...
  • o8/o4/o8- I can't believe it. I was joking when I kept saying "third time might be the charm" but I have won the King's Crown! I'm so happy right now. Thank you Lura and Sasa for always cheering me on!! ^^
  • o8/11/o8- Am now questing Yumeh Ears and Tail and Female Welcome T. ^^ Still need to update commons list. Will do when they sort event commons into their proper places, because I'm too lazy to do it twice.
  • o8/14/o8- FINALLY updated commons lists! But...forgot to add prices. XD Will hopefully do tomorrow or the next day?
  • o8/22/o8- Finished rewriting CI and EI lists. o: All of thread is now completely updated! ^^
  • o9/o8/o8- Someone remind me to add the new commons in! =.= XD
  • 1o/o3/o8- Baby Cohner Rey, my only nephew, has passed away. He would have been 3 months old in 4 days. u_u
  • 1o/13/o8- <3 <3 <3 ^_^
  • 11/24/o8- KITA IS 18!!
  • o3/o5/o9- Happy Meneversary, Kita!! Woot!
  • o3/o9/o9- Happy 1st Birthday, quest thread!!
  • o5/31/o9- Reworking entire quest thread after a sort of hiatus due mostly to circumstances beyond my control. Also will be revamping my exchange, and then Kita will be back in the game! <3
  • o1/21-22/11- Updated CI, Event, and Special Quest Posts
  • o3/13/11- Everything brought as up to date as possible, with the ever-present exception of my Commons Quest Section, which as always, is in the works. ^^;
  • o5/o6/11- Added a "Dream Avatars" section to the quest; post #12.
  • o1/26/12- Thread updated, except for (as always) the Commons Quest Section
  • January 2o13 ~ July 2o14- Kita will be on a hiatus until further notice. I need time to focus on my family and on focusing on myself to not go crazy with worries. My mom called me yesterday (1.14.13) to tell me that my Nana has cancer. I'm honestly still a bit numb about this. Nana has colon cancer, and I'm still not really over losing my Grandpa, her husband, to cancer in 2011. Also my dad may have skin cancer. I will be flying back home (perhaps multiple times) and don't know that it will leave me much time for Mene. I'll miss my friends, but this is what I need to do I think. If anyone needs me, please PM or Ping me. I will be sure to check my inbox regularly, at least. Ciao for now, loves.
    Update:: My dad also has cancer. (1.15.13)

NEWS from July 2o14-November 2o16X

  • July 2o14- People are healthy, things are better, and KITA IS BACK, BABY!
  • 11/11/2o16- Kita lied before. Now she's back though, really.
  • 11/11/2o16- Updated Wanted Lists for CIs, EIs, Auctioneer Items, Mennies Items, NPC Items through November 2016
  • 11/12/2o16- Updated Commons Wishlist Accentuate-Headworks
  • 11/13/2o16- Updated Commons Wishlist Hopscotch-Wonderland Fashion, Finished Updating Million Gold Commons Quest, Edited Obtained Commons list
  • 11/21/2o16- I won gold and a medal in the Pretty Pumpkins contest!

  • 9/1/2o17- Had a lot of fun participating in this year's Celes Paradi event, although I only was active in 1 thread (Roachi and Queen Andais' thread). I won some prizes there: Jamming with Yumeh, 28k, Wild West, Lost Roadtrip, Leprechaun Hat
  • 9/12/2017- Adopted my mom's dog, Gunner!

Last edited by `Kitami; 09-15-2017 at 07:12 PM..