Thread: Glassed.
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qeanin is offline
Old 03-10-2008, 04:37 PM

Rea's eyes were soft as she spoke.
"That is what Glassed is trying to prevent. It thinks that if the Humans find out how nice it is here they would want to make Earth the same." Rea said to Evelyn in a kind and almost hopeful voice. The sun was just coming up outside and you could here the soft voices of birds starting to wake up. Along with the fairies flying around looking for dew to drink.

Levex nodded at Bronwynn.
"Yes. If the Glass breaks the magic will leak out and then Glassed will become like Earth. It's people would become humans and everything would just fall apart." Levex wrinkled her nose in disgust at the thought of it. Glassed becoming like Earth, that would be the worst day in the universe.
"But if the glass were to shatter, everyone would start to die. Plague would sweet through the land, and that is something I plan to evade." Levex had heard of the plagues that had Earth had suffered and she didn't want the people of Glassed to be punished like that.